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We publish new bulletin about SharePoint governance

If you are interested in our publications in this newsletter, we discussed Gobernabilidad de SharePoint, simplifica la puesta en funcionamiento, aplicación y monitorización. Hope you enjoy. And if you fancy, you can tell us what you think or ask us any questions about...

Next webinar : Governance for SharePoint

Discover how to simplify commissioning, implementation and monitoring of SharePoint. Implement Governance policies applied to SharePoint, enabling us to monitor the proper use and health of our investment (controlling the technical development and business platform);...

ENCAMINA sponsors the VIII Spanish SharePoint User Conference

Another year, ENCAMINA sponsors the Spanish SharePoint Users Conference (CEUS), the largest and most specialized event in Spain in this field, which this time is in its eighth edition. Microsoft organizes this annual event to unveil the new social, mobile and cloud...

The Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade supports ENCAMINA

INTELLIGENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM HEALTH – IHMS SUB: Competitiveness R + D Record Identification Number: TSI-020605-2012-34. Project co-financed by the Ministry of Industry, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation...